michelle mcgroty

Michelle McGrorty is a political strategist with more than 25 years of experience. Her areas of expertise include campaign management, coalition building, grassroots and grasstops lobbying, strategic communications and messaging, earned and paid media, training, and fundraising. Her extensive experience includes working with issue and political campaigns across the country and internationally. She has worked with elected leaders at the local, gubernatorial, and congressional levels, as well as international leaders in government and political parties. She has held leadership positions in political advocacy committees, political party committees, and non-profit organizations. McGrorty has worked with political parties, candidates and women leaders in Ukraine, Serbia, Belarus, Iraq, Rwanda, Congo and Uganda. McGrorty served as the Gender and Inclusion Long Term Analyst for the parliamentary election in Ukraine on behalf of the National Democratic Institute. A former Political Advisor for EMILY’s List and Senior Campaigns Specialist at the National Education Association, she has helped elect dozens of candidates to the offices of mayor, state legislator, governor and Congress. McGrorty has extensive political experience in Wisconsin. She served as Executive Director of Greater Wisconsin, the state’s largest progressive independent expenditure and issue advocacy organization, where she led efforts that raised over $30 million to advance progressive causes and elect progressives to public office through issue and electoral campaigns.